Ain’t no party like an SSW party // the new Melbourne and Brisbane offices are open!
The Melbourne and Brisbane offices are open! We had a great time in Melbourne and Brisbane, and I thank everyone who came. There was more alcohol drunk at the Brisbane event – maybe because it was a Friday night!
It was thrilling to see so many people – some familiar, some completely new. There were devs, clients, employees (both past and present), and even our real estate lawyers swung by. It meant a lot that so many people came.
Everyone enjoyed the champagne, mingling, and rounds of pool. I felt both the lightning presentations were well received. First up was Lindsay Corfield (3 tips to a great career) and then myself (7 simple steps to building your profile).
Both evenings were wonderful, and I ended the nights with a big grin on my face. It felt great to be starting our future in the new offices on such a positive note.
Amongst all the fun of the 2 parties, we found the time to snag a couple of photos that I thought I would share with you below: